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What We Do


  • The South of Downtown Redevelopment & Strategic Plan is a city plan, adopted by Lincoln City Council in February 2021, and sets the foundation for future public and private investment in the South of Downtown Area (10th to 17th and A to L Streets). This plan is the product of over three years of listening to and with our neighbors about what change they would like to see in their neighborhood, and it is our role at SDCDO to support our neighbors in leading their own change through the implementation of this plan.

  • The South of Downtown Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a regulatory process that determines what public spaces can be used for in the South of Downtown focus area (10th to 17th & A to K Streets). It is our role at South of Downtown CDO to use the PUD as a tool to mitigate barriers to economic stability that have been created by our current zoning standards and empower our neighbors to shape their lived environment.

  • Using this interactive map, you can look at the zoning policies for our neighborhoods. These zoning policies determine what land can and cannot be used for (e.g., housing, office space, retail, restaurants, etc.) Click on the map where you live/work/play and see how the zoning shapes your lived environment!

  • It can be nerve-wracking to testify before City Council for the first time or even your third. Use this handy guide to help navigate the process of raising your voice!

  • Collective Impact Lincoln (CIL) is a partnership between Civic Nebraska, Nebraska Appleseed, and the South of Downtown Community Development Organization. We focus our work on the Belmont, Clinton, Everett, Hartley, Near South, and University Place neighborhoods. Together, we knocked on neighbors’ doors, held community events, and met with local organizations to understand what people liked or wanted to change in their neighborhoods. This report compiles what they had to say.

  • "Behind on Rent" is a short film by Lincoln filmmaker Gabriella Parsons that shares the stories of housing-insecure Nebraskans and their families amid the COVID-19 pandemic. "Behind on Rent" highlights the human toll of our burgeoning eviction crisis and features those who are working to protect our most vulnerable neighbors.

    Eviction is not just a symptom of poverty. It's a cause. Learn more and get involved at

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